Origins in Spanish:
Berro (Del celta beruro)
According to the Dictionary : Watercress (Of the celtic beruro) Plant of the family of the Cruciferae, which grows in harsh places, with several stems about three decimetres long, leaves composed of lanceolate leaflets, and small white flowers. The whole plant has a spicy taste and the leaves are eaten in a salad.
It is interesting how the word cress in Spanish comes from not Latin as in other European languages but from Celtic. This indicates that it has been consumed in the peninsula for thousands of years.
The importance of water. The key to producing watercress of the highest quality is pure spring water. Therefore, production is always carried out according to a strict Code of Practice that stipulates that it will be grown exclusively using spring or well water. It is obvious that the quality of watercress depends on the quality of the water used for its cultivation.
A traditional product updated. It is a fast-growing semi-aquatic plant native to Europe and Asia. In its natural state appears on the banks of the streams extracting their nutrients from running water. It has been consumed by the Persians, Greeks and Romans for its healthful effects. Modern production systems replicate their natural environment, enabling the plant to feed on tap water while guaranteeing a safe product through the use of controlled quality water.
Organic watercress
Certified quality
Baby watercress
Ideal for sandwiches
Pea tops
Used by the best restaurants