Watercress Salads


Multicoloured salad with watercress


  1. One or two bags of watercress

  2. Two peeled pomelos roses, cut in slices.

  3. A large pomegranate

  4. A tin of sweet corn

  5. Olive oil, sherry vinegar, salt and pepper


  1. Clean the pomegranate and reserve the beans.

  2. Place the watercress in the base of the fountain.

  3. Cover with the grapefruit slices.

  4. Finally add the corn and the grains of the pomegranate.

  5. Dress just before serving.


Warm watercress salad


  1. One large aubergine or two small

  2. Two bags of watercress

  3. A curl of goat cheese

  4. Olive oil, salt and balsamic vinegar.


  1. Peel the aubergines, cut into thin slices and salt on both sides.

  2. Cut the cheese curl into ½ cm slices.

  3. After 10 minutes wash and dry the aubergines.

  4. Bake the aubergines over medium heat with a little oil for 10 minutes.

  5. With the oven off but still hot, place a slice of cheese on each slice of eggplant.

  6. We present in the salad bowl: With a watercress base, place the aubergines with the tempered cheese on top. We seasoned with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.


Watercress salad with fresh cheese and nuts


  1. Two bags of watercress

  2. Burgos cheese or other fresh cheese

  3. Grapes goes seedless (sultanas)

  4. Chopped walnuts

  5. Olive oil, apple cider vinegar, salt

  6. Honey orange or other that you have at home


  1. Place the watercress in the salad bowl

  2. We put on top the cheese cut into cubes, nuts and sultanas.

  3. In a separate bowl we make a vinaigrette with the oil, vinegar, salt and honey.

  4. We add the sauce to the salad at the moment of serving.